So, lets go back to the last post about my job, and go from there. Don't worry, I wont do daily accounts because frankly my mind can barely remember last week.
Anyway, I got a job at McDonald's, and for the past six months have been getting up before my hubby and going to a place that smells like cooking oil and standing on my feet all day.
Only to come home, shower, and pass out in my insanely comfortable bed.
But that could just be my tired body saying that my bed is that cozy. It really is though!
Within that six months, I have done hardly anything crafty at all, believe it or not.
I have picked up crocheting and knitting again, and have gotten better over time. I still can't read patterns, but I can work stitches with the help of YouTube.
I have finished a scarf, and a baby blanket; and started a hat, another scarf, and another baby blanket. For the most part, I'd say that's not so bad.
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1st scarf, 1 skein of multi colored yarn, half-double crochet, with fringe |
That's about it for the country crafter. She has become the workaholic that reeks of fries. Yuck!
On a more happy note, my funds have helped me accomplish my decorating for the holidays. With a few trips on off-days, I have acquired all my goodies for Christmas, both gifts and decorations. And a few yummies too!
Mostly the food is for the holidays. A few soups and dry recipes in mason jars along with almost 100 doggy treats were on my agenda for gifts this year. Everyone in my family likes homemade things and has a dog, so I couldn't go wrong. :)
My Christmas decor is a pair of trees standing outside my door made up of pots, garland, and tomato cages.
I have a cowboy themed Christmas tree, and some nice lanterns on my kitchen table.
So, now to explain why I suddenly decided to start a massive post tonight.....
Today was my day off.
And I slept in.
And woke up to my husbands face. {insert warm, fuzzy, feeling}
And spent the evening with my 2 favorite men, my husband and my dad, (and his girlfriend.) We did some shopping together at the mall, and all went out to eat Mexican food before coming back to our house and spending some good quality time just talking.
Today was a wonderful day, and my dad and his girlfriend have talked me into blogging more. The man owns no computer or access to the Internet, but keeps pushing me to "grow myself" in any way possible. He's right. I'm going to try to blog more. More life stuff, more craft stuff, more stuff about me. :)
( I know, I keep saying that. )
The trees are what got my dad started on "growing myself" so to speak. He thinks I could potentially make good money selling such DIY things. He and his girlfriend came by for the first time since before Thanksgiving and were amazed that I made my lil trees myself. Along with some other decor I had created, they kept telling me to market it.
Eventually they pulled out this basket of wrapped goodies and told me and my hubby to open them. After they left, I realized they had left a lot of other goodies under our tree for Christmas day.
My sneaky, loving, family. {insert another warm, fuzzy, feeling}
Christmas never is exactly one day with my family, we spread it throughout the month. Lol! Last week we had Christmas for my mom's side of the family. We played Dirty Santa and also had chosen to do Secret Santa for this year. That is what I had made my apple pie dip for. First time using cornstarch and it turned out tasting exactly like an old fashioned apple pie! My brother ate his share with a fork instead of using the cinnamon chips I made to go with it!
And so ends my turn of events since last post. That wasn't too bad right? :)
On a separate note, my life may be changing yet again. Me and Dwayne have been discussing the next step in our lives. (for those of you thinking "babies"... stop it. Stop It Now)
Not there yet, anyway.
A house of our own. To make that next step possible, we have been searching, and looking high and low for something affordable and near hometown. So please keep us in your prayers that we may find that perfect place to start that perfect family.
Thank you, and until next post, MERRY CHRISTMAS from the hubby and me!!!