Thursday, May 29, 2014

A little progress goes a long way

I taught myself to crochet shortly before starting this blog. You can see my first project in a previous post of mine, Catching Up to Christmas. A small scarf that I made and remade until I learned the stitch. Back then I only knew a few stitches thanks to YouTube. Now I have taught myself so much more. I know all the basic stitches, a few combinations, and I can finally read patterns and diagrams!

I should have posted this before my I Taught Crochet Classes post, cause I know y'all are all thinking 'she taught those people without knowing it herself!'

No, I just haven't gotten around to posting a lot about my crocheting. This is mostly a craft and DIY blog. But then, I guess crochet is a craft you DIY, right?

Well, now you are getting that. I have been working on a blanket for my mom's birthday for about a year now. It's been one of those on-and-off projects that keeps getting set aside.

I stopped working on it for a few months so I could make a baby blanket for my niece. I mentioned her in my post, What's Up?

Axle is always wanting to help me with my crocheting.

A photo posted by Emily Bishop (@emilybishop14) on

A photo posted by Emily Bishop (@emilybishop14) on

Once I finished and delivered the baby blanket I was able to get back to my mom's blanket. I'm finally able to start joining them all together now! All 216 squares of them! Here they all are ready to be joined.

Now, my mom knew I was making her this blanket. Heck, I've been making squares everywhere I went. How could she not know? So when the day came to start joining them, I told her she couldn't see the rest of the process. It would spoil the ending. So I invited her to come and see the pile before I started joining them.

This is what she did...

"Oh, they are so soft! And cuddly! I just want to bury myself in them!"

And that's exactly what she did! And I got a photo of it!

All you can see is the top of her head and ponytail. She just laid on my bed and covered her face with them! We both got a good laugh out of that.

Here you can see my joining method. Its just a simple slip stitch, but it works beautifully!

Axle really enjoyed this blanket. He was always either on it, or under it. And occasionally he wrapped himself up in it!

A photo posted by Emily Bishop (@emilybishop14) on

So, now comes the worst part of crocheting. For me anyways, it's the weaving in the ends!

I still have a long way to go with this blanket, but I'm well on my way to being finished with it. Once these dreaded tails are gone, I can start the border. Then a wash, and I can give it to my mom for her birthday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Super Anniversary Gift!

It finally came!

It's here!

I'm super excited!

Our wedding anniversary was the 14th of this month, and we didn't do anything too special for it. Hubs asked for his favorite meal for dinner and I made sure that there was an extra serving for him, just because I love him and I know he would eat it. He always asks for such simple things, but I guess most men do, don't they?

Me, ...not so much. (That makes me sound terrible, doesn't it?)

My wonderful hubby got me the camera I've been swooning over for a couple of months now!

I love him! And not just because he spoils me! :)

I was so excited when I picked it up from the post office, that I couldn't wait until I got home to open it!

So I opened it in the car like a 5yr old at Christmas. Hehe!

Everything I could need came with it, including Elements! (That's the newest editing software for readers like my mom)

As soon as I got home I started charging it up! And of course, a selfie!

I really do have the greatest husband in the world!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Taught Crochet Classes!

So through my family's church, I was able to start up a crochet class for the summer. We meet on Saturdays at the local library. I can teach for free there, and we have our own room too. Today was our first class, and we learned the basics, chaining and a single crochet.

My mom even came!

I made some cheat sheets for everyone to take home, and will do so for each class we have. I really hope these ladies learned a new skill they will enjoy!