Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Super Anniversary Gift!

It finally came!

It's here!

I'm super excited!

Our wedding anniversary was the 14th of this month, and we didn't do anything too special for it. Hubs asked for his favorite meal for dinner and I made sure that there was an extra serving for him, just because I love him and I know he would eat it. He always asks for such simple things, but I guess most men do, don't they?

Me, ...not so much. (That makes me sound terrible, doesn't it?)

My wonderful hubby got me the camera I've been swooning over for a couple of months now!

I love him! And not just because he spoils me! :)

I was so excited when I picked it up from the post office, that I couldn't wait until I got home to open it!

So I opened it in the car like a 5yr old at Christmas. Hehe!

Everything I could need came with it, including Elements! (That's the newest editing software for readers like my mom)

As soon as I got home I started charging it up! And of course, a selfie!

I really do have the greatest husband in the world!


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