Sort of!
So, I showed you guys a few of my organized things already, my yarn mostly, and some decorum that makes my house at least seem organized. So now I want to share with you a few more things I've done and had to DIY and make work for me.
When I bought my Krafty Kloset, it had this mysterious, oily, greasy, stain right where my mouse would have gone, and it took me a while to find something to remove it. It hit me quite suddenly to try nail polish remover. I use the full strength kind because when I do some one's nails I want to make sure they are good and free of anything old. I figured, why not? So I grabbed a few q-tips and tested my hunch. Worked wonderfully! I stepped it up a notch and got some paper towels to really cover the big area that was stained. Here you can see where I poured acetone right onto the stain and it just lifted right up! Awesome!! :D
Ewwww! Look at whatever that is!! Gross!
So now my ugly spot is gone, gone, gone! The acetone may have also removed a bit of the clear coat (if there even was one) but I plan on painting the interior of the Kloset anyway.
Oh, say hello to our newest member of the family! Axle Grease!
This little guy was stuck under my hood! After a few hours trying to coax him out, Dw finally got under the car himself and pulled him off my axle. (Hence the name Axle Grease!) I immediately asked we could keep him, and Dw being a sucker for anything fuzzy, agreed! Our lease at this new house says no pets, so we are keeping him under wraps for now. I have taken him to the vet and had him neutered and vaccinated. He also got a bath and some flea killer (Dawn) when he first arrived.
At first he was very flighty and kept getting into my couch. Yes inside it! There was a gap where the underpinning wasn't attached and he would hide in the arm of the couch. I fixed that quick!
I found him like this this morning! Isn't that just the cutest little face!
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