Friday, July 26, 2013

Crafty Updates

Getting it all under control....

Sort of!

So, I showed you guys a few of my organized things already, my yarn mostly, and some decorum that makes my house at least seem organized. So now I want to share with you a few more things I've done and had to DIY and make work for me.

When I bought my Krafty Kloset, it had this mysterious, oily, greasy, stain right where my mouse would have gone, and it took me a while to find something to remove it. It hit me quite suddenly to try nail polish remover. I use the full strength kind because when I do some one's nails I want to make sure they are good and free of anything old. I figured, why not? So I grabbed a few q-tips and tested my hunch. Worked wonderfully! I stepped it up a notch and got some paper towels to really cover the big area that was stained. Here you can see where I poured acetone right onto the stain and it just lifted right up! Awesome!! :D

 Ewwww! Look at whatever that is!! Gross!

So now my ugly spot is gone, gone, gone! The acetone may have also removed a bit of the clear coat (if there even was one) but I plan on painting the interior of the Kloset anyway.

Oh, say hello to our newest member of the family! Axle Grease!

This little guy was stuck under my hood! After a few hours trying to coax him out, Dw finally got under the car himself and pulled him off my axle. (Hence the name Axle Grease!) I immediately asked we could keep him, and Dw being a sucker for anything fuzzy, agreed! Our lease at this new house says no pets, so we are keeping him under wraps for now. I have taken him to the vet and had him neutered and vaccinated. He also got a bath and some flea killer (Dawn) when he first arrived.

At first he was very flighty and kept getting into my couch. Yes inside it! There was a gap where the underpinning wasn't attached and he would hide in the arm of the couch. I fixed that quick!

I found him like this this morning! Isn't that just the cutest little face!

Now he is very comfortable in our home and with us. He likes to lay next to me while I crochet. Or on my crochet! He is beside my laptop now actually, enjoying the heat thats blowing on him I bet.


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