Monday, July 22, 2013

A toy and a surprise...

No you dirty thinkers, get your minds out of the gutter.

This weekend we went to the gun expo with my Dad, and I bought a little toy for my self.
And it fits in my pocket.

(Again, wipe that dirty mind clean!)

I bought a .22 pistol!

And only for $145!

So after work today we decided to go to the gun range and test it out and get used to it and just blow sh*t up! That's always fun! What wasn't fun was what was waiting for us when we got back home...

You see that space there in the last photo? That's where we park the Impala. Yeah. Sooo glad we were gone during this. Odd thing was, no storms came through! Nothing. Really weird. We are so glad that it was the tree out front and nothing got broken. Had it been the one next to the house, oh boy, I don't even want to think about that! I was super glad that my El Camino was unharmed also. I love my truck!

On a good note, our landlord will be coming to remove it in the morning.

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